
Check out a few samples of my work.

I’ve collected some samples to specifically demonstrate different types of content or different creation/collaboration processes. There's a range of topics and technical depth: from defining the basics, to socio-technical and cultural issues, to diving deep into a technical challenge or project. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to see more.

I hire people to work on a FOSS project. Here's how I evaluate GitHub profiles

“Should hiring managers base a decision on someone’s GitHub profile? No. But will it ever hurt to have a robust GitHub account? Also no.” I co-wrote this piece with the CTO of Ondsel, an open core company that builds on FreeCAD, an open source 3D modeller.

Guide to platform engineering: Everyone’s doing it, should you be too?

Part of a series of SEO-focused long-form guides I wrote for LaunchDarkly, an enterprise feature management platform. The piece aims to be a comprehensive guide to platform engineering and surrounding topics, as the concept enters the Gartner Hype Cycle.

What does it mean that my GitHub project has 900 open issues?

This piece is an example of thought leadership in the open source space, reflecting on the reasons that project issues go stale and how that impacts project velocity.

What is DevOps? (And how to set your organization up for DevOps success)

With a target word count of over 4,000 words and an extensive list of keywords to include, the challenge here was to create something that covered all the bases for SEO, but also brought an angle that differentiated the piece from the many other DevOps articles. I brought in opinions and quotations from social media and podcasts to add color.

The weakest link in software supply chain security isn't open source

I co-wrote this piece with one of Sourcegraph's security engineers, who supplied the points about how Sourcegraph is valuable to security engineers. I created the framing around the weaknesses at each stage of vulnerability management processes. Then I integrated Sourcegraph’s value propositions into the suggestions for addressing the problem.

3 Debugging tips we learned from you

A crowd-sourced post inspired by a GitLab team member’s personal blog post. Instead of cross-posting it to the company blog, I proposed we use it as an opportunity to engage the community for their anecdotes.

Kubernetes, containers, and cloud native: the basics

I wrote this piece as part of GitLab’s activation around KubeCon, drawing from materials from a webinar I produced on the same topic.

Meet the traffic manager making Git data highly available

This engineering manager was more comfortable with being interviewed than writing, so we paired on the post. He talked me through the project and I prompted him to dig deeper into some areas and share some takeaways and lessons. I took the transcript from the interview and reworked it into a draft with the introduction, structure, and subheadings. I also added some additional context about the problem we were solving.

“I want my whole computing environment to be programmable”

Dev Tool Time is Sourcegraph’s web series showcasing engineers’ desk and computer setups. This post is an example of leveraging existing content in a different format. I added a bit of color and editorializing to make the post more engaging than a transcript alone.

4 tips for remote pair programming

An interview-based post created through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous interviews. I had calls with a number of support engineers, while others added their contributions to a Google Doc with discussion prompts.

GitLab and Gravitational discuss Kubernetes

This is a fly-on-the-wall-style post, with a conversation between two subject matter experts being the basis for the story. I like this approach for technical topics where you might spark some debate between engineers with opposing viewpoints. In this case, the enthusiast is trying to win over the sceptic.